Thursday 1 December 2011

Motivation is not Ridiculous?

motivation is not ridiculous !!!
it just kind of rubbish !
the above statement was in your mind?
if yes, you are really in trouble
please immediately seek help.

if you are human, if you eat your food using hand, if you wear a cloth while going out
motivation should be the most important thing in your life.
just imagine what will happen if people without any motivation?
Firstly for success you need to set your GOALS
If you do not set your Goals, it is very difficult to achieve your outcomes.
And you may have defined your goals, worked out a strategy too,
but if you do not have MOTIVATION?? 
You will not even take the first step. 

 Motivation is like that spark for the engine. This is what makes the human engine move. 
You may have the best talents or acquired the best skills but it you do not have motivation you will not reach far. 
remember !!!
Motivation is the driver which drives you to do what you are doing.!