About Motivation

All People need motivation in their life. they need to be hungry to motivate them to eat, they need to be out of money to motivate them put a hard work in their job.

Motivation is defined as an urge in an individual to perform goal directed behavior. Therefore, motivation cannot be inflicted from outside but it is an intrinsic desire in a man to achieve the target goal through performance or activity.

Motives are expression of person’s need. Hence, they are personal and internal. Incentives on the other hand are external to the person. They are made part of work environment by management in order to encourage workers to accomplish task.

The motivational model indicates that a sense of felt deprivation generates needs and such needs create tension in an individual. The individual perceive and makes cost benefit analysis on the ways and means of releasing such tension. Once such perception is cleared, individual pounces upon the activities and achieves some results. If it is success he feels rewarded and falls in the cycle of motivation again. If it is failure he feels punished and once again after due modification of ways and means pounces back on the cycle or feels frustrated. Therefore, motivation leads to a goal directed behavior.

as cited in http://www.iimm.org/knowledge_bank/12_an-introduction-of-motivation-and-morale.htm.